
Have you ever wondered how people are able to embed youtube videos? Then you've come to the right place! You may think that you have to worry over proper tags and properties, but if you know the right steps, youtube does it all for you! Here's how:

First Step: Find the video you want to embed! Today, I'll be using one of my favorite videos about ocean gigantism! :)

Second Step: Press the little share button underneath the bottom right of the youtube video typically! From here, you should see the menu shown on the right.

Third Step: Once you enter the menu, press the EMBED link button. This will take you to this page where it gives you the HTML code needed to put the video into your website. Just press copy in the bottom right corner and you're ready to finally put it into your document!

Fourth Step: Now you simply paste the code into your document! I put it in a seperate div which will allow me to more easily edit the size and other parts of the video but it is not neccessary.

BOOOMMMMMM!!!! You've offically inserted a youtube video into your website! :)